Estimulación magnética transcraneal
When Traditional Depression Treatments Aren’t Enough.
Living with depression can affect every facet of your life, disrupting relationships, work, and your overall sense of well-being. While treatments like antidepressants and psychotherapy are available, a significant number of individuals find that their symptoms persist despite these efforts. For those who feel stuck, Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (dTMS) offers a non-invasive, innovative option that may help alleviate symptoms and provide a new path toward mental wellness.
BrainsWay dTMS
Deep TMS (dTMS) es un tratamiento revolucionario para la depresión que ha cambiado el campo de la atención de la salud mental; dTMS ha sido aprobado por la FDA para tratar de manera segura y efectiva el trastorno depresivo mayor a través de la tecnología H-coil patentada de BrainsWay.
La dTMS funciona utilizando un campo magnético que logra llegar directamente a regiones cerebrales más amplias y profundas, regulando la actividad neuronal de las estructuras cerebrales relacionadas con la depresión, específicamente la corteza prefrontal dorsolateral (DLPFC).
Repetidos estudios revisados por pares han descubierto que la dTMS es un tratamiento muy eficaz que puede facilitar una mejora profunda en la salud mental de los pacientes, aliviando los síntomas de la depresión y contribuyendo a una calidad de vida significativamente mayor.
Como procedimiento no invasivo, la dTMS es un tratamiento bien tolerado que no causa efectos secundarios adversos ni duraderos. No requiere un período de recuperación significativo y el tratamiento de 20 minutos se puede integrar fácilmente en el programa diario de cada paciente.
Featured Treatments
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
Anxious Depression
Later-Life Depression

Introducing BrainsWay dTMS
BrainsWay, a global leader in advanced neurostimulation, is revolutionizing mental health care with its innovative Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (dTMS) technology, the most advanced TMS technology available. Founded in 2003, BrainsWay develops cutting-edge treatments designed to improve well-being and transform lives, offering new hope for those who haven’t found relief through traditional methods.
How Does it Work?
Deep TMS uses magnetic pulses to stimulate the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) involved in mental health conditions.
These pulses help regulate neural activity and alleviate symptoms of depression.
Appointments at SWIBH are typically 45 minutes long, including check-in and treatment.
Treatment is performed in your healthcare provider’s office. A full course of TMS treatment includes daily appointments for six weeks.
Patients wear a comfortable helmet containing BrainsWay’s patented H-Coil.
Deep TMS requires no anesthesia or hospitalization, and side effects are rare, making TMS a safe and convenient option.
How to Get Started with Deep TMS Treatment
Contact us directly to begin dTMS treatment at Southwest Integrated Behavioral Health. While referrals from a doctor or therapist are accepted, they are not required. Patients can contact us directly. During the intake process, patients will be thoroughly screened for clinical considerations, and they will provide a
detailed medical history. Appropriate patients will be scheduled for a consultation with our Director of TMS Services. If dTMS treatment is approved by our Director of TMS Services, we will work with insurance to secure prior authorization before scheduling treatment.
The SWIBH team is here to guide you through every step: insurance eligibility,
appointment scheduling, cost review, and consent. We're dedicated to helping you achieve your best self. Contact Southwest Integrated Behavioral Health in Albuquerque today to learn more.