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Educational Diagnostic Assessment

What is an Educational Diagnostic Assessment and how can it help?

An educational diagnostic evaluation is designed to play an essential role in assisting teachers in identifying and understanding an individual student’s needs.  In the school setting, the evaluation process is based on an eligibility model that helps determine what services the student qualifies for in reference to school-based support programs.  Referrals generally come from parents, the school, or the individual who has concerns about their learning process.
The diagnostic assessment process involves using background information, observations, as well as a combination of standard educational measures to establish a profile of the individual’s strengths and needs related to specific learning skills or skills needed in the workplace.  The assessment is designed to provide guidance in academic, curricular, and instructional decisions made in the school setting.  Decisions benefit from a clear understanding of the individual’s specific needs in areas of academic or functional concern. 

The evaluation process begins with the collection of background information.   This procedure involves an intake screening over the phone followed by a referral to an educational diagnostician.  The diagnostician contacts the parent(s)/guardian(s) or self-referred adult to gain an understanding of the client’s individual needs.  A Case History form is sent to the parent(s)/guardian(s) to gather additional background information.  Observation forms are sent to the parents and teachers to obtain information in both the home and school environment.  Older students or adults referred for evaluation will also fill out a self-evaluation.  Observations from the adult’s significant other or family may be sought.  School records, medical records, and previous diagnostic reports are reviewed with consent of the family or individual. 
Diagnostic evaluations follow the guidelines from IDEA and the Public Education Department and will meet the requirements necessary in consideration of an eligibility at the student’s school.  While assessment in all required areas is completed through this evaluation, our diagnosticians make additional efforts to define the unique nature of the learning difficulty.  This is accomplished through measures that address how the student processes information and how that relates to the specific diagnosis.  For example, in reading, testing will be tailored to better define the type and possible cause for the individual’s difficulties delineating between language processing difficulties, attention/concentration or working memory issues affecting comprehension, or difficulties with phonological processing resulting in dyslexia.  Also considered are,  cultural differences, language skills, general health issues, economic situations affecting educational needs, and specific processing weaknesses which would affect learning or performance in the workplace.

Educational Assessment

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